
Welcome to Housekeepers of Marin!

Since 1985 Housekeepers of Marin has provided high quality cleaning services to many of Marin County’s finest homes.
A commitment to high standards has contributed to our reputation of reliability, trustfulness, professionalism and quality. We guarantee all our work and our experience and training of staff will allow the client to relax as a tedious aspect of their already busy schedule is professionally handled. We offer weekly, biweekly, monthly or special occasion cleaning. Call us for a free estimate and see what a difference the best cleaning service in Marin County can make in the
quality of your life.

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FRee estiMates (415) 898-8388
ResiDential Real estate PReP aPaRtMent clean in & clean OUt WinDOWs cOMMeRcial OFFices

©2014 Housekeepers of Marin, Inc. | Telephone (415) 898-8388